Unit Detail

Unit Information Display unit information.
Unit Timezone Display unit timezone. *Users cannot change the timezone setting. Contact Admin for timezone setting.
Automated Sync Timing Display daily automated synch start timing.
Check in Email Information Set Email subject and body for check in email.
Check in SMS Information  
Duration Change of "Not Responding" Operator can customize the duration of “Not-responding”.  Default value is 3 days.
Alarm Email Setting BizMobile Go! supports to send Alarm notification email to designated email address up to 10 whenever designated alarm raises.
Device Management Report Setting BizMobile Go! supports to send Device Management Report to designated email address up to 10 with send timing. 
Device Registration Expiration Operator can set a defined registration period to enroll the devices and raise alarms when enrollment period expires.
Option Set message read due term (Messaging service enabled only)
Location Settings  

Apple Information

Display Apple related information including iTunes Region and Apple Push Certificate information.

Apple Configuration Display Renter Role access right.  Not in use.
Apple Activation Lock Bypass

Display if you allow supervised device set activation lock bypass.


Download CSV file of activation lock bypass codes list.

Apple ID Note

Note function to enter access information of Apple Push Certificate, DEP/VPP Token.  Please utilize this area to keep correct access information for each Apple ID.

VPP Invitation Email Information You can edit the subject line and body of the email used for the VPP invitation email when distributing VPP apps on a per-user basis.


EMM Information

Android EMM related information

Zero-touch Information Android Zero-touch related information


Windows 10 Bulk Enrollment

When registering Windows 10 devices in batches, you can create a file for batch registration here.

Windows 10 Store Settings This setting is required for store app distribution to Windows 10 devices.


Alarm Notification Email Sample

BizMobile Go! Alarm notification: {{Alarm}}
This email is an automated notification, please do not reply.
Below alarm raises in unit: bmqa of BizMobile Go!
Please login to BizMobile Go! to handle necessary operation for the alarm.
BizMobile Go! URL: https://mdm.bizmo.in
Alarm type: {{Alarm}}
Date: {{Date and time which the alarm raised}}
Template: {{Template name}}
* “N/A” is displayed for template name if no template is assigned to the device
User: {{User Name}}
* “N/A” is displayed for user name if no user is assigned to the device
Device Identifier: {{Device Identifier}}
* “N/A” is displayed for device identifier if the alarm is not related to device
Severity: {{” Warning”, “Major”, “Minor” or “Critical” is displayed depending on the severity}}

Device Management Report Sample

BizMobile Go! Unit {{unit name}} Daily/Weekly/Monthly Device Management Report YYYY/MM/DD
This email is an automated notification, please do not reply.
This email reports device management status of BizMobile Go! {{unit name}} unit.
Please login to BizMobile Go! to refer detail status.
BizMobile Go! URL https://as-mdm.bizmo.in

1. Device Sync Status

Synchronized: XX
Sync Requested: XX
Sync Required: XX
Not Synchronized: XX
Not Responding: XX

2. Device Registration status

Enrolled: XX
Enrolling: XX
Expired: XX
Withdrawn: XX

3. Active Alarm count: XX

Critical: XX
Major: XX
Minor: XX
Warning: XX

4. Admin locked devices count: XX

Android: XX

5. Banned application device count: XX

Android: XX
macOS: XX
tvOS: XX

■ Enrolled Device List

■ Installed Banned Apps List

■ Log List